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Innovative Bioactive Dressing for Diabetic Foot WoundsRicardo Sousa2024-09-19T15:43:06+00:00
What is atopic dermatitis and what are the treatments available?Pedro Pereira2024-02-20T19:24:48+00:00
What is MARSI?Pedro Pereira2024-02-17T15:42:02+00:00
Modern Wound Dressings: The Benefits of Hydrogel DressingsPedro Pereira2024-02-17T15:42:31+00:00
Telehealth: How can remote monitoring help patients in rural areas in the US?Pedro Pereira2024-02-17T15:35:39+00:00
Remembering yourself after an Ostomy: the crucial aspect of self-care in Ostomy patients.Pedro Pereira2024-02-17T15:35:15+00:00
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